Salzburger Land North on 18.03.2021 | bergjunge
Skitour on 03/18/2021 by
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Snow condition
Snow quality
Overall impression
700 - 1800m
Avalanche warning level
considerable (3)
Snow condition
The first time this year that people really didn't have to worry about unwanted contact with hard objects. Since Saturday, about 75 cm have fallen at 1600m N until today. Yesterday's tracks were quite well closed. On average you have about 50 cm sinking depth. At lower elevations, however, you can only drive on forest roads, as there was nothing there before. According to the archive, we are now just below average for some areas at some measuring stations.
Snow quality
Insanity. Really deep pow for the first time this year. Still mostly fluffy and perfectly soft. You can bomb around relatively well in moderate terrain without having to worry about obstacles. Hardly rideable on the flat, however, and then felty and sometimes slowing down at the bottom.
Wind intensity: Low (< 20 km/h)
Up to 2200 m a three, above that a four. I can't quite understand the three for the lower altitudes, where there are 30-40 cm on stones and branches. In protected forests, the unbound loose pow is low-stress and slightly settled. No special signs. At an ECT above the tree line, there was fresh snow up to one meter down, unbound and impossible to trigger, as there was no weak layer. Two days ago, however, there was quite a bit of wind, so there must be some drift snow somewhere. But if there is, it's difficult to recognize due to the persistent fresh snow.
Overall impression
Phantastisch geiler Schnee und endlich mal sorglos bouncen sorgen für viel Freude. Wir haben uns entschlossen unberührte Wege zu gehen und mussten daher mühsam Spuren, zum Glück hatten wir die Maschine dabei! Die Firstlines waren unser! War sehr schön mit den fetten Ladies unterwegs zu sein, aber auch anstrengend. Unten raus leider bissl langsam und im flachen super mühsam zu schieben. Insgesamt ist recht viel los, vor allem gestern schon. Ein bisschen schade war schon, dass es letztendlich so kurz ist, heute wärs so der Ballertag gewesen...
hTranslated from German.