Ehrwalder Alm on 10.04.2021 | Sumedum
Freeride on 04/10/2021 by
Translated from German
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Snow condition
Snow quality
Overall impression
1000 - 2000m
Avalanche warning level
moderate (2)
Snow condition
Without a piste, you wouldn't be able to get down to the valley in this exposure, but thanks to the piste, you should probably be able to do it for a while :-)
Snow quality
On the south side, there was only a 2cm thick layer of harsch, too little for firn. Later, when everything was soft, it was occasionally quite nice on a snowboard, but difficult to ski on as it slowed down a lot. The tracks in the north-facing cirques didn't look like really good snow either.
Wind intensity: High (40 – 60 km/h)
All in all, it looks quite stable to me, but I can still imagine one or two wet snow avalanches tomorrow.
Overall impression
Im Gelände aktuell schwierig den Neuschnee zu nutzen - schön, dass manche Bahnen noch laufen. Irgendwie sind jetzt noch meine drei Bilder von gestern mit reingerutscht...finde keine Möglichkeit die zu löschen.
hTranslated from German.