Alpenostrand on 15.01.2022 | gletscho
Skitour on 01/15/2022 by
Translated from German
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Snow condition
Snow quality
Overall impression
1100 - 1600m
Avalanche warning level
low (1)
Snow condition
Strong fluctuations and clear north-south slope difference. Wind-exposed areas such as ridges, crests and crests are often blown off and, in combination with solar radiation, partially aper.
Snow quality
The whole program available (broken harsch, melting harsch, you name it). In shady hollows there was a lot of surface frost on still dry old loose snow. Such hollows were surprisingly nice to ski, but only with great caution due to the low snow depths. Obstructions such as vegetation and stones were always to be expected.
Wind drifted snow
Intensity: low
Wind intensity: Low (< 20 km/h)
The main risk of injury is falling through stones, vegetation, etc.
Overall impression
Wieder ein Traumwetter, kälter als zuletzt. Zwar findet man noch schöne Mulden und ähnliche Geländestellen, die gut zu fahren sind, aber Neuschnee wäre nun wirklich mal wieder angebracht. Insgesamt waren hier am Niederalpl aber die Verhältnisse deutlich besser als erwartet.
hTranslated from German.