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CR 460 (2021/2022)

Berchtesgaden Alps on 12.03.2022 | bergjunge

Germany Skitour on 03/12/2022 by bergjunge
Translated from German Show original

Snow condition

2 von 5 Sterne

Snow quality

3 von 5 Sterne

Overall impression

3 von 5 Sterne


1000 - 2000m

Avalanche warning level

low (1)


North North-Eas

Snow condition

2 von 5 Sterne
Descent through forest

In sheltered, shady areas there is an average amount of snow for the time of year, around 1.5 m at 1600m. It is astonishing that despite the long, virtually precipitation-free period, people can still ski on shady forest paths down to relatively low altitudes, approx. 1000-900m. In sunny locations and on the windward side, it is well below average.

Snow quality

3 von 5 Sterne
Hard, pressed snow
Powder snow
Jelly snow

It's surprisingly good in the shade, but a lot of it is already tracked. There is very settled powder down to deep layers, but it is very good to ski. Otherwise, there are also hard layers of melt and warm slush.


Diurnal warming

Wind intensity: No Wind (0 km/h)

Relatively stable situation. However, the very dry powder creates a risk of slipping on steep terrain. Sluff is quicker, but the amounts are limited. In areas with very strong sunlight, the snow gets wet, but there is usually not that much left.

Overall impression

3 von 5 Sterne

Ziemlich cool, was das Gelände und auch einen Großteil des Schnees betrifft. Aufgrund der trockenen und immer noch kalten Luft im Schatten gibts noch erstaunlich viel Powder, der zwar schön trocken, aber leider nicht besonders tief ist. Im steilen Gelände war es recht mühsam zu gehen, weil der Pulverschnee sehr rutschig ist. Krass ist der Kontrast zwischen Sonnseiten und geschützten Schattlagen. Morgen wird es wärmer und föhniger, also tendenziell schlechter.
