Love is in the air
Skitour on 02/10/2023 by
Translated from German
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Snow condition
Snow quality
Overall impression
1100 - 1700m
Avalanche warning level
low (1)
Snow condition
Considering how this winter has gone so far, it's actually quite okay. But there are still a lot of stones sticking out.
Snow quality
Powdery but not deep everywhere where the sun and wind can't reach. A bit boggy on the south side, not enough for firn yet.
Wind intensity: Low (< 20 km/h)
I couldn't identify the aforementioned sliding snow issue in the Spitzing area today. I saw an interesting and relatively large avalanche cone on a very steep north-eastern slope. The leading edge was flush with the cornice.
Overall impression
Lohnende Skitour, aber nix besonderes. Ich hatte auch über zwei Sterne nachgedacht...
hTranslated from German.