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CR 153 (2022/2023)

Touring weekend with ridge crossing on the Hochhäderich

Autria Skitour on 02/18/2023 by spitz
Translated from German Show original

Snow condition

1 von 5 Sterne

Snow quality

1 von 5 Sterne

Overall impression

1 von 5 Sterne


1100 - 1500m

Avalanche warning level

low (1)


North North-Eas East North-West

Snow condition

1 von 5 Sterne
Descent to valley (to 1100 m)
Stone Contact avoidable

Pretty little. You can just about get up and down. On Sunday it rained a lot again and we had to cross several meadows to get back to the parking lot.

Snow quality

1 von 5 Sterne
Wet snow

As it had already rained lightly on Friday, Saturday was fine but the temperatures were sometimes in the double-digit plus range, very heavy and wet snow.


Old snow problem
Diurnal warming
Much water in the snow cover

Wind intensity: Medium (20 – 40 km/h)

The main danger at the moment is likely to come from ground snow avalanches. Where there is still snow, it has been so wet since yesterday at the latest that it simply slides away on steeper meadow slopes.

Overall impression

1 von 5 Sterne

Ein gemütliches Hüttenwochenende und die ein oder andere Tour war der Plan. Da es jedoch am Freitag schon geregnet hat beschränkte sich die Tour auf den Hüttenzustieg. Samstag dann schönstes Wetter, warme Temperaturen und ein wenig Grat Kraxelei, was will man mehr.... Zu mind. bei der aktuellen Situation. Sonntag dann wieder richtig viel Regen..... :( Das war es dann jetzt wohl mit den Touren in der Höhenlage.
