schlick 2000 on 06.03.2024 | Powsearcher
Freeride on 03/06/2024 by
Translated from German
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Snow condition
Snow quality
Overall impression
1600 - 2200m
Avalanche warning level
considerable (3)
Snow condition
Snow conditions in the north-facing forest above 1700m are good for the time of year and everything is skiable.
Snow quality
Snow fell without wind, but became a little heavier as the day progressed. The old snow surface was noticeable in the previously heavily rutted terrain.
Wind intensity: No Wind (0 km/h)
Only stayed in the flat forest today, no danger signs were visible there. There were good blasting successes further up, see today's LWD blog.
Overall impression
Schöner Vormittag in der Schlick.Wie immer ein paar Leute unterwegs und so waren die sicheren Abfahrten auch recht schnell verspurt.
hTranslated from German.