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CR 186 (2024/2025)

Paznaun valley on 18.01.2025 | chevchelios

Autria Skitour on 01/18/2025 by chevchelios
Translated from German Show original

Snow condition

3 von 5 Sterne

Snow quality

3 von 5 Sterne

Overall impression

3 von 5 Sterne


1200 - 2600m

Avalanche warning level

moderate (2)


North North-Eas South North-West

Snow condition

3 von 5 Sterne
Descent to valley (to 1400 m)
Blown backs
Variations of snow cover

Good snow conditions in the Paznaun Valley, at least compared to the rest of Tyrol. Many variants and tours possible. Of course, depending on the terrain and steepness, there may still be rocks lurking.

Snow quality

3 von 5 Sterne
Hard, pressed snow
Powder snow
Wind drifted snow

Snow quality strongly dependent on exposure. The north-west side tends to be influenced by the wind and alternates between powder and somewhat wind-pressed. Better on the north and northeast side, mostly nap powder with good skiing characteristics.

Wind drifted snow

Intensity: medium

Altitude: 2100 m – 2600 m


No warning signs

Wind intensity: Medium (20 – 40 km/h)

Watch out for snow packs in steep terrain. Apart from that, I haven't seen any other danger signs, and really everything has been skied recently.

Overall impression

3 von 5 Sterne

Auch längere Zeit nach dem letzten Schneefall noch schöne Hänge mit gutem Pulverschnee gefunden. Felle sind obligatorisch, in Gebietsnähe gibt es nichts mehr zu holen.
