Upper Black Forest on 16.03.2021 | maxfree
Skitour on 03/16/2021 by
Translated from German
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Snow condition
Snow quality
Overall impression
1000 - 1400m
Avalanche warning level
low (1)
Snow condition
That was a positive surprise. A lot has fallen since the weekend and there's a good 40 to 50 cm at 1000m. You can't go full throttle through the hedge yet, otherwise you'll get stuck in it.
Snow quality
OMG it's so fluffy. Even though it got warmer towards the evening, the snow was beautiful and more fun than it has been for a long time.
Wind intensity: Medium (20 – 40 km/h)
I was quite bored on the piste today. The only danger here comes from unevenness caused by crossing streams.
Overall impression
Das war heut richtig für die Seele. Im Schwarzwald ist endlich wieder alles weiß und auch der Belchen hat seine FKK Ambitionen vorübergehend auf Seite gelegt. Von unten weg war alles schön tief verschneit, es war wenig los und oben war die Sicht gleich Null. Die Abfahrt war ein Traum. Kaum Spuren und kein Bodenkontakt. Weiter so!
hTranslated from German.