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    • news

      Sylvain Saudan - Farewell to a skier

      Bernhard Scholz 07/22/2024
      The news of Sylvain Sauda's death at the age of 87 from a heart attack is a loss for the entire skiing and mountaineering scene. Saudan's pioneering spirit and his courageous descents set standards and inspired many generations of skiers and mountaineers.
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      Emergency call from the Alps: Urgent appeal to save Alpine refuges and hiking trails

      PowderGuide 07/16/2024
      Only a financial rescue package totalling 95 million euros can create the conditions for Austria's Alpine Associations to continue to preserve mountain huts and and hiking trails for all mountain recreationists.
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      Voluntary recall: 2024 Neve Strap crampons

      PowderGuide 05/27/2024
      Attention to all mountaineering enthusiasts among you: The screws on the Neve Strap crampon (green version 2024) can loosen, causing the heel cup to come off the crampon. Those affected can return the crampons.
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      PowderGuide leaves into summer break 2024

      PowderGuide 05/17/2024
      Dear readers, another season is drawing to a close, editorial content has already become scarcer in the last two weeks and the PowderGuide editorial team is slowly going into summer hibernation. And yet this year is different than usual! For the first time, our weather service is NOT taking a summer break! And of course neither is the development team...
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      PowderGuide final gathering 2023/24 | Engelberg

      Sebastian Siep 05/07/2024
      On the last weekend of April, the PowderGuide team met up with friends, partners and long-time companions in Engelberg to celebrate the end of the season in style.
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    • WeatherBlogs

      WeatherBlog 22 2023/24 | Another southern storm to end the season

      Lea Hartl 05/01/2024
      The WeatherBlog is taking a summer break, unless there's another onset of winter with corresponding blog inspiration in between. Over the next few days, the south-west will be in full swing again - there would probably be a PowderAlert if our oracle wasn't already in summer mode.
    • TouringTips

      TouringTip | Wildspitze Southcouloir

      Malte Schulz 04/27/2024
      For many ski tourers, the Wildspitze is a favourite classic in spring. The summit can be reached quickly via the Mittelbergjoch and the Taschachferner via the Pitztal glacier lifts. The only drawback of this tour: due to the very low gradient, it is not very rewarding in terms of downhill skiing. In terms of the descent, the tour via the Southcouloir is much more appealing (assuming you have the ability and experience to tackle steep slopes). This route takes you to the highest peak in Tyrol "by fair means" and by the most direct route.
    • WeatherBlogs

      WeatherBlog 21 2023/24 | Winter restart - how could this happen?

      Sebastian Müller 04/24/2024
      Ein bisserl Neuschnee auch in den Dolomiten
      A short while ago we were water-skiing or riding bikes, and now, at the end of April, we suddenly find ourselves in winter. How could this have happened? It's cold throughout the Alps and it's snowing quite a lot, especially on the northern slopes. If you really missed it, 2 PowderAlarms and rows of 4-star ConditionsReports should be enough proof. Powder skis should be the first choice up to and including the weekend!
    • news

      PartnerNews | Engelberg Freeride Days 2024

      Frederic Andes 04/23/2024
      A small group of very friendly people who are dedicated to freeriding in all its facets organise a very special family event.
    • TouringTips

      TouringTip | Lungau

      Helmut Gassler 04/21/2024
      The Lungau is a landscape (and at the same time a political district) in the south-east of Salzburg and offers several advantages and attraction points for us downhill-orientated ski tourers thanks to its geographical location.
    • PowderAlerts

      PowderAlert 15 2023/ 24 | All good things must come to an end!

      Lars Oelmann 04/19/2024
      With this last nordstau, Ullr is sending us what could be the last cold snowfall suitable for weekends and the oracle is using this opportunity to bid a highly official farewell to the summer break, as medium range forecast does not look like there will be any more wintry surprises until the end of April.