Upper Black Forest on 17.03.2021 | Hannnes
Skitour on 03/17/2021 by
Translated from German
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Snow condition
Snow quality
Overall impression
900 - 1300m
Avalanche warning level
moderate (2)
Snow condition
From 1000m upwards, about 40 cm came together during the precipitation period, above 1100m it was more like 50cm, and there was still carpet pad everywhere. Lower down, the amount decreases significantly, but with a bit of commitment it went down to 850 m, without meadow underneath (last photo).
Snow quality
Wind intensity: Low (< 20 km/h)
Stable on my tour in the forest/forest snows. I saw a few very small, damp loose snow slides. Take care on the usual steep Triebschner slopes (Zastler, Baldenweger, Herzogenhorny-NO if necessary. To the PG-CR team: As there is no situation report for the Black Forest, I stuck to the SLF bulletin for the Jura for the stage
Overall impression
Der Schwarzwaldwinter geht in die Verlängerung. Nicht mehr die ganz feine Schneequalität und die Schneelage ist natürlich weit von Ende Januar entfernt, aber man kann schon Spass haben. Solide 3 Sterne. Da noch etwas Nachschlag angesagt ist, bleibt's wahrscheinlich gut bis zum Wochenende, evtl wird's noch einen Tacken besser.
hTranslated from German.