Axamer Lizum on 01.12.2021 | Benji_01
Skitour on 12/01/2021 by
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Snow condition
Snow quality
Overall impression
1500 - 2500m
Avalanche warning level
considerable (3)
Snow condition
A reasonable snow situation for the current date in Kar, even better compared to 1.12.2020. Nevertheless, you should not be fooled by the fresh snow, there are sometimes quite large stones lurking under the 15cm layer of fresh snow. In this respect, you should enjoy the snow with caution, especially in the upper area of the gullies (in this case Ampferstein).
Snow quality
As an update to the CR from ChevChelios ( who sums up the situation quite well from a distance: Further up in the Lizumer Kar, the snow is massively influenced by the wind, which of course affects the quality. Depending on the exposure, there is significantly more wind influence, which of course spoils the downhill fun. In sunny spots, a light cover has already formed, so that there is extreme variability in the snow cover on short sections. Further down in the forest, as already described in the other CR, loose powder snow without wind influence.
Wind drifted snow
Intensity: strong
Wind intensity: Medium (20 – 40 km/h)
The main danger in the Lizumer Kar is drift snow and stones. Drift snow can be found in all exposures. Some of this lies on a weak layer of old snow. The drift snow packs are mostly medium sized and in some gullies look as if they want to come off at first contact.
Avalanche activity
Altitude: 2300 m
Overall impression
Schöne Nachmittagsrunde in der Lizum. Eigentlich war der Plan, aufgrund der Lawinenlage nur im Wald zu bleiben. Angesichts zahlreicher (~20) Spuren im Kar haben wir mal einen Blick gewagt. Bis zum Beginn der Rinnen wenig Windeinfluss, je weiter oben desto mehr und desto steiniger. Wirklich lohnenden Schnee gibt es in der Abfahrt nur teilweise, im Wald bereits viel zerfahren. Die vom Wind beeinflusste Schneedecke sollte vor allem bei kommenden Schneefällen stets im Hinterkopf behalten werden.
hTranslated from German.