Upper Bavaria on 11.12.2021 | winterkind
Skitour on 12/11/2021 by
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Snow condition
Snow quality
Overall impression
800 - 1600m
Avalanche warning level
considerable (3)
Snow condition
Overnight we got another 10 cm of fresh snow in the Mangfallgebirge. We started today at 800 m and also skied down without any problems. It's no problem on forest paths. Descents in the denser forest below 1100 m are not yet recommended. On the ascent, there was around 70 cm in the wind-protected forest at around 1150 m. Where the wind comes into play, the snow cover is unfortunately quite inhomogeneous. Due to the wind shift of the last two days, you have to get an idea of where it is best or where the most snow is. As we were able to ski down to the valley today without any problems, we give it just under 3 stars for the snow conditions.
Snow quality
Unfortunately, the influence of the wind limited the downhill options somewhat. With knowledge of the terrain and a good eye, you could still find wonderful powder snow. Where the wind was at work, you could find hard-packed drift snow. Without the wind, we would have given it 4 stars.
Wind drifted snow
Intensity: medium
Altitude: 1200 m – 1600 m
Wind intensity: Medium (20 – 40 km/h)
The sometimes strong wind shifted the powder snow a lot. Again and again we encountered drifts in very atypical places. There were already pronounced cornices in the ridge area. Due to the inhomogeneous snow cover, you constantly encounter transitions from a little to a lot of snow. The drift snow can be easily disturbed close to the ridge.
Overall impression
Schöner Tourentag dahoam mit noch gutem Schnee, einzig der Wind störte. Jetzt hoffen wir mal, dass die angekündigte Wärme nicht zu viel zerstört...
hTranslated from German.