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CR 168 (2021/2022)

St. Luc/Chandolin: Potpourri of everything the weather gods can do

Switzerland Freeride on 12/28/2021 by carlikolumna
Translated from German Show original

Snow condition

2 von 5 Sterne

Snow quality

2 von 5 Sterne

Overall impression

2 von 5 Sterne


1300 - 2800m

Avalanche warning level

considerable (3)



Snow condition

2 von 5 Sterne
10 cm fresh snow
Descent to valley (to 1200 m)
Descent through forest
Blown backs
Stone Contact avoidable
Variations of snow cover

All villages covered in deep snow. until the rain... otherwise from below in the Rhone valley already snow. in the morning also snow covered (slippery) road up to 1300m above then, you can also do something with the snow...

Snow quality

2 von 5 Sterne
Hard, pressed snow
Wet snow
Wind drifted snow

There's plenty of snow, it's just too wet and too heavy. Blown away at the top, so stone contact. in slightly south-facing exposures with melt crust at a depth of 15cm. very tricky to find good snow. slush at the bottom, blown away at the top, center: Knobel game

Wind drifted snow

Intensity: no wind

Altitude: 2500 m – 2900 m


Old snow problem
Much water in the snow cover

Wind intensity: High (40 – 60 km/h)

from Monday still according to SLF 2, today then due to strong wind, beginning snowfall. especially unfavorable are the exposures west over north to south east above 2200m. With rising temperatures and possible rain, the snow cover will become increasingly soaked and heavy.

Overall impression

2 von 5 Sterne

Nebel, Regen, Schnee und Wind oben an den Gipfeln auf (2700hm) sicher an die70kmh. Trotzdem lassen sich ein paar Puder Schwünge finden: im Wald zu nass, oben keine Sicht und abgeblasene rücken sowie eingeblasene Rinnen. also bleibt nur genau der Bereich Knapp oberhalb der Waldgrenze, wo flüssig zu fahrender Pulver zu finden ist. Vorsicht in Süd expo mit mieser Kruste. Die in st. Luc sehr beliebten Varianten sind heute alle nicht möglich ( vom Bella tola aus keine Sicht, unterm Rotzé zu viel Steine, Triebschnee und ebenfalls keine Sicht). wir finden ein paar goodies und feiern sonst die talabfahrt und das Bier in der Kneipe:)
