Zauchensee on 08.01.2022 | winterkind
Skitour on 01/08/2022 by
Translated from German
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Snow condition
Snow quality
Overall impression
1000 - 1900m
Avalanche warning level
moderate (2)
Snow condition
Forest ski tour in the Zauchtal valley. A high start or forest paths are also an advantage there. Descending in denser forest is hardly possible. The terrain is still quite undulating in places. There is still a lot of snow here too. In the high forest above approx. 1400 m it is easy to ski down.
Snow quality
In the high forest on our downhill variant, there was up to a maximum of 30 cm (on average around 20 cm to 25 cm on the entire tour) of soft powder snow and you only very rarely hit the hard surface. Unfortunately, the snow was not quite as dusty as the last few days. A little complaining is allowed.
Wind intensity: No Wind (0 km/h)
We were out in the morning with good visibility before the forecast westerly wind arrived. The avalanche situation in the wind-protected high forest was very relaxed today. Only very isolated small accumulations of drift snow could be seen close to the ridge. The overall situation will change with the forecast strong wind. LWS 2 in the morning and 3 in the afternoon above the tree line.
Overall impression
Schöne Vormittagstour mit gutem Schnee und gutem Wetter. Als die Front ankam, saßen wir schon wieder gemütlich im Auto. Abhängig vom angekündigten Neuschnee und Wind werden die sich die Verhältnisse ändern.
hTranslated from German.