Upper Bavaria on 07.02.2022 | winterkind
Skitour on 02/07/2022 by
Translated from German
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Snow condition
Snow quality
Overall impression
1000 - 1600m
Avalanche warning level
considerable (3)
Snow condition
Ski tour in the Mangfall mountains. This morning we were out again in a wind-protected lee below the tree line. Thanks to the average of 25 cm of fresh snow, it now looks very good in such areas. However, due to the very strong wind, the snow situation is more inhomogeneous than ever.
Snow quality
There was cold and light fresh snow today. Due to the good snow conditions, we were able to easily bypass the areas exposed to the wind, as there is now a solid base even in the denser forest from around 1300 m above sea level.
Wind drifted snow
Intensity: medium
Altitude: 1300 m – 1600 m
Wind intensity: Medium (20 – 40 km/h)
During the tour today, most of the precipitation came as sleet. There is therefore a lot of sleet in the last layers of the snowpack. The combination of sleet and drifting snow is very easy to disturb and is poorly bonded to the old snowpack.
Overall impression
Der Wind hielt sich zum Glück auf unserer windgeschützten Tour bis auf einige Böen die meiste Zeit in Grenzen und dazu gabs guten Schnee. So stellt man sich den Wochenstart vor der Arbeit vor. Bis zur Erwärmung sollten die Verhältnisse gleich bleiben. Die Tourenmöglichkeiten sind was Lawinenlage, Schneelagenunterschiede (Luv und Lee) und Schneequalität betrifft insgesamt jedoch eingeschränkt.
hTranslated from German.