Rottenmanner Tauern on 03.03.2022 | gletscho
Skitour on 03/03/2022 by
Translated from German
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Snow condition
Snow quality
Overall impression
800 - 2400m
Avalanche warning level
low (1)
Snow condition
At the bottom, (cleared) forest roads slowly become problematic (we had a few short stretches at around 900-1100m). However, it is still possible to descend via meadows on the north side directly to the inn (780m). Forest below approx. 1300m is no longer really sensible to ski here. Some of the sunny slopes are already snowed out.
Snow quality
Very nice, fluffy and dry snow in some sections (fresh snow from last weekend). The usual mixture at the top: hard slabs, with soft drift snow in between
Wind drifted snow
Intensity: low
Wind intensity: Low (< 20 km/h)
Avalanche warning level 1 applies to the whole of Styria at all altitudes! As there is still snow on the north side of the valley in many places, it is currently possible to go on spring tours (which normally require hours of carrying skis) with skis strapped on directly from the valley to the mountain and back. The wind was only a nuisance at the summit today. Light snow sweeping has produced fresh drift snow of low intensity (e.g. old tracks blown away).
Overall impression
Geniale Verhältnisse heute in der Obersteiermark. Noch immer Schnee bis ins Tal und geringe Lawinengefahr und das bei sonnigen, aber kalten Wetter.
hTranslated from German.