Montafon on 20.03.2022 | salta
Skitour on 03/20/2022 by
Translated from German
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Snow condition
Snow quality
Overall impression
1700 - 2800m
Avalanche warning level
low (1)
Snow condition
Much better than in other areas at the moment. There is already a lot of snow around the Lindauer Hütte. Only the southern sides are slowly becoming impassable up to over 2300m
Snow quality
10 m² of powder snow in the sheltered gully right at the base of the rock. Most of it is icy snow alternating with a few sections with good grip. Rather hard conditions. On the verge of sensible at the moment. You can get up with crampons and ice axe. You can also get down with locked bindings, but a fall would be very unfortunate at the moment. At the top on the north-east flank to the summit, slightly firny but still very hard. At the summit, the first 30 m up to the Sulzig steel cable is easy to ski
Wind intensity: Low (< 20 km/h)
Be aware of the risk of falling on the north side. Even if there is no sun, conditions can be tough as it was very warm last week. And there has been no snow for 3 weeks. Be aware of the risk of avalanches on the east, south and west sides as the day warms up.
Overall impression
Pulver findet man selbst nordseitig und steil kaum mehr. Jetzt würde ich mich auf der Suche nach schönem Firn machen von dem es auch jede Menge gibt gerade. Schneelage im Montafon ist ok und besser als weite Teile Tirols oder Westalpen
hTranslated from German.