Berchtesgaden Alps on 02.02.2023 | bergjunge
Freeride on 02/02/2023 by
Translated from German
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Snow condition
Snow quality
Overall impression
900 - 1600m
Avalanche warning level
moderate (2)
Snow condition
Worse than the last few days. I was on the same descent as a few days ago. At the top (wind) and at the bottom (rain) it's significantly less than last time.
Snow quality
Blistering at the top and often hard. In sheltered areas at medium altitudes, 1A felt slope. Extremely slow snow, difficult on the flats. Steeps went more or less well. The whole thing gets wet at the bottom due to the temperature and rain.
Wind drifted snow
Intensity: medium
Wind intensity: Extreme (> 60 km/h)
Heavy loads. Certain areas further up are certainly tricky. At my altitude, there wasn't enough snow overall for avalanches.
Overall impression
Naja, irgendwie war's lustig so als Gesamterlebnis mit dem Sturm, null Sicht oben und diesem zähen Schnee. Super war, das fast niemand unterwegs war, das war in letzter Zeit selten. Schau ma mal was die nächsten Tage noch so ergeben, bin gespannt!
hTranslated from German.