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4th stop of the Freeride World Tour 2103 | Kirkwood, California

The fourth stop of the FWT from 27.2. to 3.3.2013

by Tobias Kurzeder 02/24/2013
The 4th stop of the Freeride World Tour is coming up. The race for the world championship titles in the ski and snowboard disciplines is still wide open for both men and women, although the favorites are already emerging: In the premier class, in the men's ski category, the US American Drew Tabke is clearly heading for the world championship title, pursued by his Swiss colleague and rival Jeremie Heitz.

The 4th stop of the Freeride World Tour is coming up. The race for the world championship titles in the ski and snowboard disciplines is still wide open in both the men's and women's categories, although the favorites are already emerging: In the premier class, in the men's skiing, the US American Drew Tabke is clearly heading for the world title, pursued by his Swiss colleague and rival Jeremie Heitz. In the men's snowboarding, an American is also clearly leading the classification: with 6325 points, Ralph Backstrom is in the lead, who, if he uses his home advantage in Kirkwood, California, could still extend his lead significantly. He also has a Swiss rival breathing down his neck: Emilien Badoux, closely followed by Frenchman Aurelien Routens. Among the female skiers, however, the field of favorites is comparatively close together: Before the 3rd stop of the FWT ladies, Sweden's Christine Hargin leads ahead of Vorarlberg's Nadine Wallner and Norway's Pia Nic Gundersen, who, however, is already well behind in third place. The French women are currently dominating the top field of female snowboarders: Margot Rozies leads ahead of the American Laura Dewey, who in turn is followed by the Frenchwoman Elodie Mouthon by just a few points. As the field is still close together, Germany's Aline Bock (5th place) can still have legitimate hopes of winning a title.

Predicted contest day: February 27, 2013

The first possible contest day is February 27, 2013. The last possible contest day is March 3, 2013. However, as the weather forecast is favourable and no further snowfall is predicted, it can be assumed that the competition will take place on Thursday, February 27. We will be broadcasting the 4th stop of the Freeride World Tour live on PowderGuide!

Video teaser for the event in Kirkwood

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