This time, the PG meeting took place at the tried-and-tested Rheinquelle/Tschamut location. On Friday evening, there was a brief review of the CR season, before moving on to the humid, cheerful, alpine international understanding and extensive philosophizing about the advantages of Tegernseer, Augustiner and Tannenzäpfle over Austrian and Swiss competitor products (of course, the corresponding goods were imported in sufficient quantities for this occasion).
Saturday morning also turned out to be humid and cheerful - this time the humidity came from the surrounding air while ski touring, the cheerfulness is self-explanatory. The majority of those present headed for the Pizzola Stock. One of the advantages of this tour is that you can find your way even when hungover and in the fog. The snow quality was somewhere between firn and wallpaper paste. The Davos PG contingent visited the ski resort in Andermatt as an alternative. They were surprised to discover that lift tickets, prosecco and pizza were free for skiers in 80s costumes. A quick visit to the local supermarket quickly provided the necessary accessories for matching outfits. In the 80s, aluminum foil, straws and tights were known to be essential fashion accessories.
The second part of Benni's talk was about the SLF's report-back system (PG article on this). He explained what information is of interest to avalanche warning officers and called on everyone to report relevant observations. He then presented some of the results of his study on group dynamics and the human factor. His research has resulted in SOCIAL (PG article), a tool that allows you to check yourself for typical mistakes. SOCIAL stands for "Skills, Organization, Communication, Identification, Anomalies, Leadership". The individual points are explained in bullet points on small cards to take away. There are control questions or thought aids for each sub-area that should be discussed in the group (e.g. "Would I make the same decision on my own?").