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videos of the week

Videos of the Week 20 KW 12 | The normal contest madness

The fine line between wow and oh-oh

by Knut Pohl 03/21/2013
Contest means riding at the limit. And as close to it as possible. But not over the limit! Because if you overshoot the limit, bad things can happen to you.

The prize is hot - that is the quintessence of a contest. And to get the prize, you have to push yourself to the limit. To that of the material, the conditions, but certainly to your own. But not exceed it. The limit can be a fine line between "Wow" and "Oh-Oh". And you don't want to cross it. The current Videos of the Week are dedicated to the normal contest madness. This time deliberately without commentary.

Basti Hannemann | FWT Chamonix 2013

Sverre Lillequist | Swatch Skiers Cup 2013

Red Bull Linecatcher 2013

Red Bull Linecatcher 2013 - Les Arcsby skieurmagazine

Colorado Freeride 2009

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