Anthony Bonello
Foto-Essay als Making-off: Jalpak Tash – A Kyrgyzstan Epic
14.11.2012 • Anthony BonelloJalpak Tash – A Kyrgyzstan Epic – der neue Skikurzfilm von Anthony Bonello. Die drei SkifahrerInnen Izzy Lynch, Leah Evans und Mike Hopkins reisten im Februar 2012 nach Kirgisistan, um die wilden, unbekannten Berge des Tienshans zu erkunden. Als Basislager in der weitgehend unerschlossenen Gebirgslandschaft diente ihnen einen traditionelle Jurte. Das Ergebnis dieses ungewöhnlichen Skitrips ist ein nicht minder ungewöhnlicher und äußerst sehenswerter Film, der am Mittwoch, den 14.11.2012 seine Online-Premiere feiert. -
Filmrezension: Jalpak Tash | A Kyrgyzstan Epic
13.11.2012 • Anthony BonelloWir hatten die Möglichkeit eines Interviews mit den Athleten des Films Jalpak Tash | A Kyrgyzstan Epic, dem neuen Skikurzfilm von Anthony Bonello. Die drei SkifahrerInnen Izzy Lynch, Leah Evans und Mike Hopkins reisten im Februar 2012 nach Kirgisistan, um die wilden, unbekannten Berge des Tienshans zu erkunden. -
Abenteuer & Reisen
Termas de Chillan
27.04.2009 • Anthony BonelloAfter everything that could go wrong went wrong, the gods finally smiled on us and dumped 30cms of fresh, breathless powder on Termas de Chillan on Tuesday night. We woke up to a foot of dry snow piled on the bannister on the deck, and immediately the trials and tribulations of the past week were out and the electric energy of a pow day was in. Yeah!!!
To recount the joys of travelling, I got stuck in the Lima airport for 2 days after I thought my flight was at 1.40pm rather than am. You would think I would know to check that by now, but I didn`t. Some things never sink in. -
Abenteuer & Reisen
24.04.2009 • Anthony BonelloArrival
It was snowing hard as the huge, blue bus ran the gauntlet over the pass between Chile and Argentina. In Bariloche, it was snowing harder, and with stiff backs and heavy bags, we dug in for the night at a hostel. Grande flakes of snow fell in slow motion all night and when we woke up, town was caked and no-one could move. The sky had relieved itself of 1 meter of snow and we weren?t going anywhere- that is to say, the ski hill was shut down, and when it did open, we weren?t leaving until we had skied every centimeter of it.
We never made it up the mountain that first day. And nor did some friends that just arrived from Canada. Their skis had been lost in transit and all they had was what they were wearing. -
Abenteuer & Reisen
SpotCheck | Las Lenas, Teil I
23.04.2009 • Anthony BonelloLas Lenas is huge, but it isn't scary. It is supremely aesthetic and inspires you to leave a single, snaking track down each of its many faces. The thing is, it is very possible to do so with the Marte Chair running and incredible peaks within easy boot-packing distance. From the top of these, the mountains stretch on seemingly forever, and so do the possibilities... -
TourenTipp | Chamonix-Zermatt
02.12.2008 • Anthony BonelloHaute Route - Verbier Route... -
TourenTipp | Chamonix-Zermatt
02.12.2008 • Anthony BonelloHaute Route - Regular Route... -
TourenTipp | Haute Route
02.12.2008 • Anthony BonelloDie Haute Route von Chamonix nach Zermatt – vielbegangener, anspruchsvoller Klassiker
Diese hochalpine Skidurchquerung führt durch einige der spektakulärsten Alpenregionen, – sie bietet unglaubliche Abfahrten, aber auch lange Tagesetappen und anspruchsvolles, alpines Gelände. Fraglos gehört die 5-6tägige Skidurchquerung zu den Highlights im Leben eines Tourengängers oder Freeriders. Anthony war begeistert, nur erschienen ihm die Hütten etwas zu "luxuriös". Also packte er sein eigenes Zelt ein...