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TourenTipp | Chamonix-Zermatt

Verbier Route

02.12.2008 • von Anthony Bonello
Haute Route - Verbier Route...

Haute Route - Verbier Route...




Chamonix Massif du Mont Blanc 1:25000 (3630 OT) Arolla- Gd. Combin, Evolene, Matterhorn 1:50000 (283 S)


Day 1 – From the Grands Montets, ski down to the Glacier d Argentiere. Ascend to the Col du Chardonnet. Descend into basin and ascend to the North to Fenetre de Saleina. Cross glacier in N/W direction to Cabane du Trient to spend the night.


Day 2 – North of the hut, descend West from Col des Ecandies to the town of Champex. From Champex continue to Verbier by taxi, ride the lifts, then ski down to the Cabane du Mont Fort to spend the night.


Day 3 – From the Mont Fort hut ascend to the Col de la Chaux. Continue to the Col de Momin. Cross high on the Rosa Blanche and descend to the Prafleuri hut.


Day 4 – Contour South along the Eastern side of Lac des Dix. Ascend the Eastern side of the Glacier de Cheilon to the Cabane des Dix.


Day 5 – From the Hut ascend to the left of the glacier to the Col de la Serpentine. Contour to col just South of the Pigne d? Arolla Summit. Descend to Cabane des Vignettes.


Day 6 – Today is the final day and one of the finest days ski touring in the Alps. The final descent to Zermatt with the mighty Matterhorn as the backdrop is something you will never forget. From the hut descend to the large col, before ascending to the Col d'Eveque. Descend and cross the Haut Glacier d?Arolla the Col du Mont Brule. Descend and contour the Haut Glacier de Tsa de Tsan to the Col de Valpelline. Then the one you?ve been waiting for, descend the Stockji Glacier to Zermatt.



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