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CR 14 (2021/2022)

Pitztal on 16.10.2021 | ChevChelios

Autria Skitour on 10/16/2021 by chevchelios
Translated from German Show original

Snow condition

2 von 5 Sterne

Snow quality

2 von 5 Sterne

Overall impression

2 von 5 Sterne


3000 - 3700m

Avalanche warning level

no information (0)


North West North-West

Snow condition

2 von 5 Sterne
25 cm fresh snow
Variations of snow cover

If you want to ski off-piste at the moment, you have to choose glaciers as the surface, everything else is still far too rocky. Some skiers have already made a few off-piste turns in the ski area, but there are still a few gaps open. Thanks to the rather changeable summer, the snow conditions on the normal route to the Wildspitze look good for the time of year; in many an autumn, it is more like a labyrinth of crevasses. With glacier equipment and knowledge of the terrain, you can currently climb the Wildspitze, but you should be aware of the possible risk of falling through crevasses.

Snow quality

2 von 5 Sterne
Hard, pressed snow
Breakable crust
Powder snow

Approx. 20-30cm of fresh snow on the glaciers, still very powdery due to the cold temperatures. At altitudes up to approx. 3300m very nice to ski and without much wind influence. Above that, unfortunately, it changes for the worse, with a lot of wind influence and wind-pressed snow. Sometimes with wind cover, which is not always stable. West-facing slopes are blown away and wind-pressed. Nevertheless, the western flank of the Wildspitze was relatively easy to ski, blown off but grippy snow.


Crevasse or fall danger
West North-West

Wind intensity: No Wind (0 km/h)

The main danger at the moment is of course still from sharks and crevasses. The fresh snow in combination with the wind has blown some crevasses closed, but some of the snow bridges are still very thin. There were also 2 snow slab cracks, although I don't know when they started: 1) Wildspitze west of the north face, exposure north, altitude approx. 3550m (low crack height, in the orographic left crack area but down to the ice) 2) Hinterer Brochkogel northwest face, exposure northwest, altitude approx. 3500m (in the orographic left crack area, crack height definitely 30-40cm, but only estimated from a distance). If the photo upload should work for once, there are pictures of both cracks as well as of crevasse zones.

Overall impression

2 von 5 Sterne

Schöner Winterauftakt mit einer gemütlichen Skitour auf die Wildspitze. Traumwetter, selbst auf dem Gipfel kein Wind und zumindest etwas feinen Pulverschnee gefunden. Auch die Westflanke war in fahrbaren Conditions, Abzüge gibts nur für den Teil mit dem unfein zu fahrendem Schnee unterhalb der Westflanke.
