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CR 22 (2021/2022)

Greetings from the kitchen of Mrs. Holle, Spitzingsee on 04.11.2021 | Flysurfer

Germany Skitour on 11/04/2021 by flysurfer
Translated from German Show original

Snow condition

2 von 5 Sterne

Snow quality

2 von 5 Sterne

Overall impression

2 von 5 Sterne


1000 - 1500m

Avalanche warning level

no information (0)


North North-Eas East

Snow condition

2 von 5 Sterne
15 cm fresh snow
Descent to valley (to 1000 m)

5 cm at the bottom, then rising to approx. 15 cm. For the small amount, better than expected on the descent. High thistles peeking out, scary near the valley - but it was ok.

Snow quality

2 von 5 Sterne
Wet snow

Wet cardboard snow, good coverage


No warning signs
North West North-West

Wind intensity: Low (< 20 km/h)

Dangers from terrain traps such as ditches.

Overall impression

2 von 5 Sterne

First Run of the Season. Steinski, aber hatte dank guten Papp kaum Feindberührung. Schnee war langsam- aber bei der geringen Menge ist schnell fahren eh ned so fein. Bin zufrieden.


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