Arlberg on 02.01.2022 | BigC
cr.activity_map.freies Gelände und Varianten fahren on 02.01.2022 by
Translated from German
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Snow condition
Snow quality
Overall impression
0 - 2500m
Avalanche warning level
moderate (2)
Snow condition
Snow quality
Wind intensity: Low (< 20 km/h)
Very wet and heavy snow that triggers spontaneous ground avalanches.
Avalanche activity
Altitude: 2000 m
Nassschneelawine bis auf den Grund
Overall impression
The rain over the turn of the year has completely soaked the snow cover. Due to the high temperatures, the snow doesn't dry out either. Above 1100-1300m, the top layer freezes during the night and makes very cool firn, but this is not predictable or consistent.
hTranslated from German.