Hornisgrinde on 25.01.2022 | snow_luke
Skitour on 01/25/2022 by
Translated from German
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Snow condition
Snow quality
Overall impression
900 - 1200m
Avalanche warning level
no information (0)
Snow condition
There was some fresh snow before the weekend. Unfortunately, there's not much snow overall and you constantly have to worry about hitting rocks.
Snow quality
Wherever the sun gets on it, it already has a nice cover. It wouldn't be so bad in the forest, but you don't dare ride there at the moment.
Wind intensity: Low (< 20 km/h)
Overall impression
Skitouren gehen wird wohl noch einige Zeit möglich sein, allerdings hält sich der Abfahrtsspaß schon sehr in Grenzen, wenn selbst auf der Piste ordentlich die Steine rauskommen.
hTranslated from German.