Pyrenees Orientales on 31.01.2022 | Bl3acklama
Skitour on 01/31/2022 by
Translated from German
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Snow condition
Snow quality
Overall impression
1700 - 4800m
Avalanche warning level
moderate (2)
Snow condition
Excellent snow conditions in the Capcir. 1m at 1800m, downhill skiing on the north side at 1500 m possible without any problems. at 2400 m a good 2 m
Snow quality
Still reasonably powdery, although the last snowfall was almost 3 weeks ago...
Wind drifted snow
Intensity: low
Wind intensity: High (40 – 60 km/h)
Strong wind and therefore drifts. Some large cornices.
Overall impression
Viel Schnee und brauchbare und Tourenbedingungen. mit der morgigen Erwärmung und dem momentanen Betonhoch wird es allerdings nicht besser. Sonnenbrandgefahr!
hTranslated from German.