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CR 365 (2021/2022)

Chiemgau Alps on 12.02.2022 | skimale7892

Germany Skitour on 02/12/2022 by skimale7892
Translated from German Show original

Snow condition

3 von 5 Sterne

Snow quality

4 von 5 Sterne

Overall impression

4 von 5 Sterne


600 - 1700m

Avalanche warning level

low (1)


North North-Eas

Snow condition

3 von 5 Sterne
Descent to valley (to 600 m)
Descent through forest
Blown backs
Covered shoes
Variations of snow cover

In comparison to yesterday's CR, I would like to explicitly point out the very good situation in the middle altitudes after today in the neighboring area. From 900-1000m up to the tree line / mountain pine belt, the base is now excellent. Today's spot is definitely better than in the whole of last season (including March meters). In the wind-calm areas there is obviously all the snow that is missing on the ridges above the tree line. On the pure north-facing slope protected from the west, it was easy to let it go today.

Snow quality

4 von 5 Sterne
Hard, pressed snow
Powder snow
Wind drifted snow

Fine Fine Fine on the tour today. In the mountain pine area, sizzling surface frost on sleet/powder, also in the forest underneath, somewhat more compact under the treetops. The layers under the 5-15 cm of fresh snow from Fri were nice and soft and sprayable on the tour today. Even in the run-out below (1200 to 1000), a fine, thin layer of cold(!) powder is tempting for cruising/carving on firm snow. In the summits with stormy gusts of wind - leave it out.

Wind drifted snow

Intensity: strong

Altitude: 1500 m – 1800 m


East South-East South

Wind intensity: High (40 – 60 km/h)

The snow cover made a safer impression today than yesterday in the neighboring area, mainly due to the lower wind influence. in the middle altitudes it's simply much better at the moment. Near the top of the ridge you could see huge snow packs and large wind vanes.

Overall impression

4 von 5 Sterne

Heute leider ohne die gute Gesellschaft von gestern, aber mit der besseren Spot-Auswahl Traum-bedingungen erwischt. Höhenlage, Schnee, Wetter, Frequentierung, Skipräparierung haben heute noch besser gepasst, damit ist der vierte Stern fällig! Der gute Schnee wird sich mehr und mehr in schattige Gefilde zurückziehen. Mit der weiteren Verspurung schätze ich den Trend leicht negativ und pausiere morgen ;)
