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CR 376 (2021/2022)

Alpenostrand on 14.02.2022 | gletscho

Autria Skitour on 02/14/2022 by gletscho
Translated from German Show original

Snow condition

3 von 5 Sterne

Snow quality

3 von 5 Sterne

Overall impression

3 von 5 Sterne


700 - 1900m

Avalanche warning level

moderate (2)


South-East South South-West West

Snow condition

3 von 5 Sterne
Descent to valley (to 700 m)
Descent through forest
Blown backs
Covered shoes
Variations of snow cover

Very good snow conditions, even in the forest down into the valley. After several days of intense sunshine, you can see how much has been blown off the ridges, ridges and crests, as well as some wind-exposed slopes. Brown-green snow-free "islands" are now emerging here.

Snow quality

3 von 5 Sterne
Hard, pressed snow
Breakable crust

Frozen in the morning, dry old snow in the shade, east- to south-facing slopes open up in the course of the morning. Wherever the sun shines, there are layers of melted hard snow, some of it brittle. South-facing slopes were quite good to ski (firn).


Diurnal warming

Wind intensity: No Wind (0 km/h)

Old (refrozen) wet snow slides from steep rocky terrain and forest gullies could be observed. However, it was too cold today for an extreme soaking of the snow cover.

Overall impression

3 von 5 Sterne

Den heutigen Tag kann man durchaus als ersten Frühlingsskitag verbuchen. Schöner Firn. Das Suchen nach trockenen Altschnee könnte hier in extremer Schattenlage zwar noch mit Erfolg gekrönt werden, lohnt aber wohl zur Zeit nicht mehr wirklich, da weiter unten in den Waldlagen überall schon eine Kruste ist.
