Tennengebirge on 22.02.2022 | benooe
Freeride on 02/22/2022 by
Translated from German
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Snow condition
Snow quality
Overall impression
900 - 1700m
Avalanche warning level
low (1)
Snow condition
Good, but not exceptional snow conditions in the southern Tennengebirge.
Snow quality
The fresh snow was great, but unfortunately there wasn't enough of it, which is why you got through to the hard, icy surface.
Wind drifted snow
Intensity: strong
Altitude: 1300 m – 1800 m
Wind intensity: High (40 – 60 km/h)
We were only underwater in the forest (LWB 1). But the wind left its mark here too. Despite the wind signs, no clod formation or anything similar. Only when it warmed up after midday could you see how the snow became a little more bound and more prone to release. Considerably above the tree line.
Overall impression
Harte zwei Sterne, aber leider ist hier etwas zu wenig Schnee bei zu viel Wind gefallen, um von einem richtig guten Tag sprechen zu können. Einzelne Hänge waren top, aber zu oft war der harte Deckel Spielverderber. Mal schauen was morgen weiter südlich geht. Ansonsten hab ich die Hoffnung, dass das Wochenende echt gut werden könnte.
hTranslated from German.