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CR 422 (2021/2022)

Ski tour on the Allgäu main ridge on 27.02.2022 | mischi

Autria Skitour on 02/27/2022 by mischi
Translated from German Show original

Snow condition

3 von 5 Sterne

Snow quality

4 von 5 Sterne

Overall impression

4 von 5 Sterne


1100 - 2300m

Avalanche warning level

low (1)


North North-Eas East

Snow condition

3 von 5 Sterne
15 cm fresh snow
Descent to valley (to 1100 m)
Descent through forest

Descent down to the bottom no problem. A little thin in the forest, on smaller ridges the stones like to come through. Thick snow in gullies and hollows. About 15 fresh until yesterday morning, more in gullies.

Snow quality

4 von 5 Sterne
Powder snow

In the shade Cold, untracked, dusty and a little bit huge with sleet. Great to ride. Only about 10cm too little, as you hit the ground from time to time. In the sun there was a noticeable sting and balls.


No warning signs
East South-East

Wind intensity: Medium (20 – 40 km/h)

Yesterday the north wind raged violently, west and partly north with clear wind signs. Strong southeast wind with long snow plumes this morning. Below 2200 aner no problem with larger snow packs. Hardly any binding in the snow, lots of sluff on the way.

Overall impression

4 von 5 Sterne

was ein Tagerl! Bluebird und wirklich viel frischer Schnee. klar könnts mehr sein, aber das hat schon echt Spaß gemacht. Dazu kaum Leute unterwegs. Ohne Gefahrenzeichen in unserer Höhenlage haben wir auch paar steilere Rinnen gewählt und es hat sich gelohnt. Und das in dieser Kulisse von Höfats, Hochvogel und Großem Wilden. all in all: ein Tag, wofür man diesen Sport macht.
