Arlberg on 18.11.2023 | freeed
Skitour on 18.11.2023 by
Translated from German
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Snow condition
Snow quality
Overall impression
1400 - 2100m
Snow condition
very good over 1800 HM 70cm new.
Snow quality
Wind intensity: Medium (20 – 40 km/h)
Drifting snow due to the strong northwest during the previous night. Steep 30 degrees+ was necessary to get any speed at all. Above 35-38 degrees the upper cm of powder started to slide. Overall homogeneous fresh snow cover with little base.
Overall impression
Best start to the season for what feels like 10 years. Over 1800 HM 70cm new. Surprisingly without any stone contact. In the area below 1600 HM through the artificial snow with cold night a 2 cm thick concrete snow slab...
hTranslated from German.