Tux Alps on 10.12.2023 | hippski
Skitour on 10.12.2023 by
Translated from German
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Snow condition
Snow quality
Overall impression
1100 - 2600m
Avalanche warning level
moderate (2)
Snow condition
Snow quality
Above about 1400 up to the tree line still super powder, about 10 cm of fresh snow from Saturday to Sunday. Warming and rain was not noticeable above 1400. From the tree line onwards, extensive wind influence and drifting snow in all exposures - alternating powder and wind-pressed snow. Ridge, ridges and summit areas heavily blown off
Wind drifted snow
Intensity: medium
Altitude: 1700 m – 2700 m
Wind intensity: High (40 – 60 km/h)
Loose powder was extensively transported above the tree line - drift snow in hollows, gullies and behind terrain edges.
Overall impression
Still top powder below the tree line in sheltered areas, everything above heavily blown and wind-pressed. But no slush yet, so it's reasonably easy to ski.
hTranslated from German.