Berchtesgaden Alps on 26.12.2023 | bergjunge
cr.activity_map.Auf und neben der Piste cruisen on 26.12.2023 by
Translated from German
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Snow condition
Snow quality
Overall impression
1200 - 1500m
Avalanche warning level
moderate (2)
Snow condition
Well, it's getting worse and worse. Unfortunately, skiing in the middle altitudes is currently doomed. At the top, with a few exceptions, there's still nothing good anyway. But you can still do short things.
Snow quality
Of course, I can only say something for a limited altitude range: In the open air it was rather poor, despite the plus degrees it hardly got soft there. Softer in the forest and in some places, that was fine. The piste was also ok.
Wind intensity: Low (< 20 km/h)
Often a compact, crusted snow surface in the area. A few small slippery snow runs could be seen.
Overall impression
A bit of piste and off-piste skiing in good weather with great clouds. Hardly any good snow in the open terrain on the shaded side, but I'm glad that there's still any at all. Light forest in the high altitudes is the best, but there are no long descents worthwhile.
hTranslated from German.