Kitzbühel Alps on 07.01.2024 | winterkind
Freeride on 01/07/2024 by
Translated from German
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Snow condition
Snow quality
Overall impression
900 - 1900m
Avalanche warning level
considerable (3)
Snow condition
Around 30 cm + came together. In the uppermost part of the forest it was even heading towards 40 cm. We were only out in the forest on the north side today, where there is a good base. It continued to snow all day today.
Snow quality
The finest powder snow! Cold, fluffy, no wind and no noticeable base. It only gets better with more snow ;).
Wind intensity: No Wind (0 km/h)
Only sluff could become a problem today in the steeper terrain. A few loose snow slides could be seen from very steep terrain during the course of the day.
Overall impression
Ohne große Erwartungen heute früh gestartet, zahlreiche motivierte Freerider an der Bahn zum Start, oben angekommen und die wohl richtige Entscheidung getroffen: Mit Fellen noch paar Meter extra gegangen, besten Schnee bekommen und weg vom Powderstress :).
hTranslated from German.