Berchtesgaden Alps on 15.09.2024 | bergjunge
Skitour on 09/15/2024 by
Translated from German
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Snow condition
Snow quality
Overall impression
1000 - 1500m
Avalanche warning level
no information (0)
Snow condition
Amazingly good for September... ;) From about 1000m you can start well, from 1400m it gets really good with >50cm. At higher altitudes there is over a meter in places. However, there are significant drifts, which is why the snow conditions change frequently.
Snow quality
Unfortunately, it was almost exclusively glop and therefore tough and slow to ride. But there were also a few okay turns.
Wind intensity: High (40 – 60 km/h)
The past few days have brought heavy precipitation and the snow cover is very wet. The strong storm is also causing heavy drifts.
Overall impression
Schon cool, im September daheim eine Skitour gehen zu können. Die nicht gerade idealen Bedingungen sind da schon fast Nebensache. Schade, dass jetzt erstmal noch der Herbst kommt. Wegen mir könnte es schon losgehen, die Basis wäre ab den mittleren Lagen schon gelegt.
hTranslated from German.