Jungfrau Region on 26.01.2025 | Frizzle
Freeride on 01/26/2025 by
Translated from German
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Snow condition
Snow quality
Overall impression
1600 - 2700m
Avalanche warning level
no information (0)
Snow condition
Snow conditions are ok, but there is not much (especially for the time of year)
Snow quality
Wind drifted snow
Intensity: low
Altitude: 1600 m – 2600 m
Wind intensity: Extreme (> 60 km/h)
Over the course of the day, the foehn has picked up considerably, which means that large accumulations of drift snow are likely to have formed, especially on less frequented terrain. In addition, the fresh snow on the southern slopes has become damp and has slid down extremely steep terrain
Overall impression
Es sind etwa 15cm auf eine teilweise weiche (Sektor N) oder harte Schneedecke (Sektor S) gefallen, Nordsektor macht dementsprechend Spass, Südsektor nur in der Höhe lohnend, in tieferen Lagen teilweise kein Schnee. Der starke Föhneinfluss wird die Bedingungen sicher gefährlicher machen, spannend wo das mit dem zusätzlichen Schneefall hingehen wird.
hTranslated from German.