Montafon on 01.02.2025 | HippSki
Skitour on 02/01/2025 by
Translated from German
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Snow condition
Snow quality
Overall impression
1500 - 2500m
Avalanche warning level
considerable (3)
Snow condition
Generally very good snow conditions, only thin near the crest and partly blown off
Snow quality
Very variable - on the shaded side and if there is no wind influence still super powder (also east and west slopes still powdery > 2000 m). Unfortunately, the wind was always present here and there.
Wind intensity: No Wind (0 km/h)
Overall impression
Pulver ist noch zu holen nordseitig, wenn man Glück hat was windgeschütztes zu finden. Gebiet rund um Madrisa, Gargellen, St. Antönien richtig gute Schneelage.
hTranslated from German.