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MAMMUT Snow Safety Sessions Allgäu (Unterammergau, Outdoor)

In the Mammut Snow Safety Sessions you will learn the necessary know-how to make the right decisions and act efficiently in critical situations - whether on a ski tour or while freeriding.



Liftweg 2
82497 Unterammergau


You can only be safe off-piste if you practise regularly. Mammut also organises the Snow Safety Session with on-sight practicing in the terrain.

Safety sessions in the field or indoors

Mammut offers a number of indoor and outdoor workshops in Germany, Switzerland, France and Sweden. In the outdoor program, state-certified mountain guides and Mammut safety experts jointly teach important basic knowledge for beginners and experienced skiers - live on a practice ski tour. The aim is to refresh avalanche knowledge and practice use of safety equipment (duration approx. 7 hours). The indoor program also provides an introduction to general avalanche awareness. You can also expect helpful tips on how to use your avalanche equipment (duration approx. 2 hours).

Both program options offer enough time to deal with specific questions.

Program in the field

If you wish, you can test the basic equipment with shovel, probe, the new Barryvox avalanche transceiver and avalanche airbag backpack - we have enough equipment for all participants. After handing out the test equipment, it's off into the terrain. The correct use of emergency equipment is practised on the slope, search scenarios and the organisation of first aiders on site are discussed, as well as rescuing companions. Correct probing, efficient shovelling techniques and general avalanche awareness topics are also on the agenda, as well as test deployments of airbags and the correct handling of avalanche airbag rucksacks.

Are you already confident in handling your touring skis/splitboard and skiing downhill? Would you like to refresh your avalanche knowledge and practise using safety equipment with professionals? Then this snow safety session is just the thing for you!


Participation costs €30 - of which €25 will be given to participants as a voucher. Even if there is not enough snow, the event will be held off-piste. All participants will receive a high-quality goodie. There is also the opportunity to win Mammut safety equipment.

The event may be cancelled in the event of critical weather conditions.

Prerequisite for participation

Safe handling of touring equipment and safe off-piste skiing.

Here you will find a list of the dates in all the countries on offer.

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