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adventure & travel

Andes adventure instead of northern summer II

Sweet Summertime

by Zach Paley 09/09/2015
Things have been getting warm here lately. The trend that started as I arrived has continued throughout the week. Chalky snow on southerly aspects gave way to the melt/freeze trend and turned bulletproof. On the other hand, east and north aspects warmed with the sun for great corn skiing in the mornings. By afternoon, the heat would take hold, and conditions trended towards slush in the sun, but the shaded aspects would be skiing nicely. It's pretty perfect for a resort with no shortage of terrain on almost all aspects.

With chairlifts that take you right to where you need, spring around here offers some of the easiest access to soft snow and good terrain one can find. If the sun has made temperatures too warm in one zone, chances are things will be just right elsewhere. It could be called low hanging fruit, but even if corn were a fruit, there are no such things around here. If it isn't steak, wine, or fernet, it's not considered edible.

It was looking like summer had come to stay in the valley. Shirts were only necessary during après for sunburn protection, and snow was melting at an alarming rate. I was beginning to get concerned I wouldn't have a chance to re-frostbite my toes down here. Luckily, prayers have been answered. The wind howls, visibility is low, snow is falling, but we're a little stir crazy from down time and still finding good snow. It's good to have winter back for the next couple of days.

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