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Net find of the week 06 KW 48 | SLF Avalanche Bulletin 2.0

Web tip of the week from the Swiss Federal Precision Workshop

by Marius Schwager 11/28/2012
The WSL Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research SLF is publishing its completely revamped avalanche bulletin for the first time this week. The clear presentation is based on a zoomable, interactive hazard map. The Internet and smartphone app are the main distribution channels.

The WSL Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research SLF is publishing its completely revamped avalanche bulletin for the first time this week. The clear presentation is based on a zoomable, interactive hazard map. Internet and smartphone app are the main distribution channels.

The new avalanche bulletin makes it much easier to quickly find out about the avalanche situation in the various regions of the Swiss Alps and immediately grasp the most important information. The new bulletin consists of two parts: a zoomable, interactive map with hazard descriptions and a text on snow cover and weather. The menu navigation first shows the danger level and then the "core zone", i.e. the particularly dangerous altitudes and exposures. One click takes you to the detailed hazard description. The clear graphic presentation and structure make the bulletin easy to understand.

Four languages

The SLF assesses the situation daily and produces an avalanche danger forecast, twice a day from around mid-December. The zoomable map with hazard descriptions appears at 8 am and 5 pm in German, French, Italian and English for all regions of the Swiss Alps and, if required, also for the Jura. A fully automatic translation enables this new, consistently four-language service. The distinction between national and regional bulletins is no longer necessary. The "Snow cover and weather" section is always published at 5 pm.

Avalanche bulletin as an app and for printing

The completely revamped SLF "White Risk" app brings the avalanche bulletin with all its functions, including a zoomable, interactive map, to your smartphone. The app is - new! - also available in four languages and also contains comprehensive background information on avalanche prevention. It is available free of charge for iPhone and Android. As before, various products are available to print out, e.g. regional hazard maps, which are particularly suitable for posting at mountain railroads and for access to freeride areas.

Distribution via Tel. 187, wap, Teletext and MMS will be discontinued. The weekly report, snow depth maps and other products will continue to provide important additional information to the bulletin.

Background information on the new SLF bulletin

ℹ️ is nonprofit-making, so we are glad about any support. If you like to improve our DeepL translation backend, feel free to write an email to the editors with your suggestions for better understandings. Thanks a lot in advance!

Show original (German)


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