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27th Derby de la Meije 2015 | Report

Short report from the mother of all freeride inferno races: Derby de la Meije, La Grave

by PowderGuide 05/15/2015
Perhaps the most famous mass start freeride race in the Alps looks back on an impressive 27-year tradition. On April 3, 2015, 832 freeriders plunged down the normally 2000-metre descent from the glacier (Dome de La-Lauze) at over 3500 m to La Grave. Due to the poor snow conditions, the 2015 race had to be started on a shortened route so that the descent "only" covered 1500 vertical meters.

Perhaps the most famous mass start freeride race in the Alps looks back on an impressive 27-year tradition. On 3 April 2015, 832 freeriders plunged down the normally 2000-metre descent from the glacier (Dome de La-Lauze) at over 3500 m to La Grave. Due to the poor snow conditions, the 2015 race had to be started on a shortened route, so that the descent "only" had 1500 vertical meters.

The race starts in blocks of ten every minute, with the starting order drawn by lot. A starting position around 200 is considered ideal, as the track is already run in by then and the moguls that inevitably occur due to the large number of drivers can still be mastered reasonably quickly. In addition to a good choice of line, luck is therefore also a decisive factor for success. In a wild chase, ambitious racers chase down the mountain together with costumed fun riders and chaos is inevitable. Just don't make any turns and somehow survive the next steep section is the motto. Many master it confidently, but some don't: and people and equipment fly through the air in a high arc. Most recover, collect their lost equipment and race on towards the finish, cheered on by the spectators - or until the next crash.

The Derby de la Meije - colorful, shrill, disguised or freaky...

Although the La Graves terrain and the race track pose a pretty serious challenge, for many participants on Derby Day it's all about having fun: they compete as disguised humorists as individual riders or even as racing teams in outfits specially made for the Derby: Whether as trees, bees or nurses: there are no limits to the dressing-up fantasies; also when it comes to the choice of sports equipment. In addition to skis, snowboards and monoskis, various skibob constructions and occasionally even mountain bikers race down the track. The atmosphere is just as freaky as many of the participants: an atmosphere of excited anticipation mixed with the smell of residual alcohol and marijuana hangs in the air above the queue at the gondola lift just before the race begins. Incidentally, the 27th Derby de la Meije was won by Frenchman Olivier Meynet in an impressive 4:16 minutes ahead of Julien De Beytia, also from France, and Sebastian Meyer, although the latter was almost 15 seconds slower. The women's race was won by Caroline Meynet, who mastered the course in 5 minutes and 32 seconds. (Editor's note: unfortunately, we do not know the relationship between the two winners, but it is unlikely that the names are coincidental). Alicia Blanc came second ahead of Slovakian Katarina Kralova. In the snowboarding category, Damien Donner won in 6:32 ahead of his French compatriot JP Viarouge. Carole Dechambre won the women's snowboard event in 8:39 minutes ahead of Estelle Rizzolio. You can read all the results here

Video of the 27th Derby de Meije, rider: Seb Mayer

Derby de La Meije 2015 - Seb Mayer - 3rd Scratch Ski

Some pictures from previous Derby de Meije events

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