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4th FWT Stop Snowbird | Report

The winners of the postponed 4th stop of the FWT 2014

by Tobias Huber 03/07/2014
After the last-minute postponement, the fourth stop of the FWT in Snowbird/Utah was held on the last day of the scheduled weather window. With blue skies and fresh snow, the riders found suitable conditions on the Silver Fox Face. Lars Chickering-Ayers (USA) won the skiers' competition, Jamie Rizzuto (CAN) won the snowboarders' competition. Lorraine Huber (AUT) and Elodie Mouthon (FRA) came out on top in the women's skiing and snowboarding categories.

After the last-minute postponement on Sunday, March 2, 2014, the fourth stop of the FWT in Snowbird/Utah was held on the last day of the scheduled weather window. With blue skies and fresh snow, the riders found usable conditions on the Silver Fox Face. Lars Chickering-Ayers (USA) won the skiers' competition, Jamie Rizzuto (CAN) won the snowboarders' competition. Lorraine Huber (AUT) and Elodie Mouthon (FRA) were ahead in the women's skiing and snowboarding categories.

61 freeriders from all over the world competed in Snowbird. The competition slope at Silver Fox, which is located in the middle of the ski resort and is usually used all the time, has already hosted several freeride competitions in the past. Despite the less extreme terrain, the riders were able to show fast straight lines and high airs as well as prove their versatility on cliff drops and gullies. "It wasn't easy to find a suitable replacement slope here in Snowbird after an avalanche occurred on the originally planned slope, but Silver Fox proved its worth as a competition slope. We saw a good show. The riders gave their all and put on fearless and intense fights," said Nicolas Hale-Woods, the organizer of the FWT.

Men's skiing: Chickering-Ayers ahead of Heitz and Smoothy

Lars Chickering-Ayers from Mad River Glen (USA), who also won the US stop of the Freeride World Tour last year, received the best score of the 29 skiers. He excelled with a Leftside 360 and a technically demanding double drop. Second place went to Jérémie Heitz (SUI), who had ridden a similar line but had not performed any tricks. Third place went to the winner of the last event in Austria, Sam Smoothy (NZL), who jumped a high cliff drop on "Frenchie Rock" and rounded off his run with three drops in quick succession. "I was pretty excited because Snowbird is like my second home," reported Lars Chickering-Ayers. "The slope was relatively short by FWT standards, so I mainly wanted to have fun and incorporate some freestyle elements, which I obviously managed to do very well!"

The strong field of skiers at the start in Snowbird is reflected in the placing of Fabio Studer (AUT). The man from Koblach, fourth at the second FWT stop in Chamonix-Mont-Blanc (FRA), only finished in 11th place despite a clean leftside 360, a double cliffdrop and a switch 540. 19-year-old Raphael Webhofer (AUT) from Innsbruck shone with a very long jump on the so-called "Standard Air" rock and ended up in fifteenth place. Felix Wiemers from Biedenkopf (GER), who came ninth in Courmayeur Mont Blanc, impressed with a Leftside 360 and a Flatspin 360, which earned him 16th place. Stefan Häusl (AUT) from Arlberg unfortunately crashed after a long jump and ended up in 22nd place. The judging was met with some surprise by the riders and spectators afterwards, with some seeing Julien Lopez (FRA), for example, placed further ahead. The face with the few opportunities combined with the strong performances of many riders did not make it easy for the Jundges to distribute fair placings. However, it became clear that freestyle elements, even if landed cleanly, had hardly any influence on the score, which some of the participants were quite surprised about.

Loïc Collomb-Patton (FRA), who only came eighth in Snowbird despite two 360s, continues to lead the overall standings. Sam Smoothy (NZL) remains in second place, Jérémie Heitz (SUI) is now third. Stefan Häusl (AUT) is in 7th place, Fabio Studer (AUT) is twelfth, Felix Wiemers (GER) is 24th and Raphael Webhofer (AUT) is 26th.

Women's skiing: Double victory for the Austrians

After two third places this season, Lorraine Huber from Lech am Arlberg (AUT) took the top spot on the FWT podium in Snowbird for the first time in her career. With a fast, aggressive run and several flawlessly executed jumps, the 33-year-old finished 85 points ahead of Nadine Wallner from Klösterle (AUT). The defending champion showed several high airs and secured second place with 80.25 points ahead of Pia Nic Gundersen (NOR).

In the overall standings, Lorraine Huber (AUT) thus takes the lead ahead of Nadine Wallner (AUT) and Matilda Rapaport (SWE)."After my two third places, I wanted to go one better this time and show a fast run with a bigger jump," reported Lorraine Huber. "I'm very happy that it worked out!" Nadine Wallner was also delighted with her placing: "Another score over 80 points, I'm super happy! I'm glad that I was able to land all my jumps and that I arrived at the finish line in good health. Now it's going to be a close fight, I'm back in second place in the overall ranking!"

Ski highlights:

Snowboard men: Canadian Rizzuto takes his first FWT victory

The snowboard victory went to Jamie Rizzuto (CAN), who began his aggressive run with a backside 360 melon grab and then followed it up with several confident cliff drops. After his second place in Chamonix and two fourth places this season, the Canadian took first place in an FWT event for the first time in his career. Second place went to Emilien Badoux (SUI), who showed a very creative, technically demanding line with several drops and a frontside 360 to finish. Third place went to Aurélien Routens (FRA). "I was inspired by Lorraine Huber's run when choosing my line", said Jamie Rizzuto at the finish. "Now I'm looking forward to Revelstoke next week even more - it's the greatest thing to come to my home event with a win in my pocket." Flo Orley from Innsbruck (AUT) finished eighth after a poorly landed jump, Johannes Schnitzer from Munich (GER) came tenth.

In the overall standings, the previous leader Sammy Luebke (USA), who was unable to compete in Snowbird due to an injury, has dropped behind Emilien Badoux (SUI). Jamie Rizzuto (CAN) has moved up to third place. Flo Orley (AUT) is in 7th place, Johannes Schnitzer (GER) in 12th place.

Women's snowboard: The world champion is back!

The women's snowboarders were won by defending champion Elodie Mouthon (FRA), who had a weak start to the season. She showed a very fluid, fast run through the so-called "North Chute" and several jumps. Mouthon won ahead of FWT newcomer Estelle Balet (SUI), who finished on the podium for the third time this season, and Snowbird local Kaitlin Elliott (USA). "I had planned to go fast and stay on my feet because I had two crashes in the events before," said Elodie Mouthon (FRA) at the finish. "I was expecting even deeper powder, but the snow was absolutely okay."

With her second place, Estelle Balet (SUI) has taken the lead in the overall standings ahead of Shannan Yates from Snowbird (USA) - the winner of the first two FWT events crashed on her home mountain and only finished seventh. Amber Schuecker (AUS), who finished fourth, remains in third place.

The FWT will continue in Revelstoke (CAN) in just a few days. On March 10, it will be decided there which riders will qualify for the final in Verbier (SUI) on March 22, 2014.

Snowboard highlights:

The results

Women's skiing
1. Lorraine Huber (AUT)
2nd Nadine Wallner (AUT)
3rd Pia Nic Gundersen (NOR) Women's snowboard
1st Elodie Mouthon (FRA)
2nd Estelle Balet (SUI)
2. Estelle Balet (SUI)
3. Kaitlin Elliott (USA) Men's ski
1. Lars Chickering-Ayers (USA)
2. Jérémie Heitz (SUI)
3. Sam Smoothy (NZL) Men's snowboard
1. Jamie Rizzuto (CAN)
2. Emilien Badoux (SUI)
3. Aurelien Routens (FRA)
How the results were arrived at is explained in the judges' debrief:

For the first time in the 2014 FWT season, the entire webcast can also be watched again afterwards:

The rest of the Freeride World Tour 2014 event calendar:

5th stop: Freeride World Tour Revelsoke, BC 2014Date: March 10; Location: Revelstoke, BC (CAN)
Last possible competition day: tba
Disciplines: Ski & Snowboard, Men 6th stop: Verbier Xtreme 2014Date: March 22; Location: Verbier, Bec. Stop: Verbier Xtreme 2014Date: March 22; Location: Verbier, Bec des Rosses (SUI)
Disciplines: Ski & Snowboard, Women & Men

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