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Kick the Vik in a double pack: Kick the Vik Freeride Festival - and KTV öko Freeride Contest

Kick the Freeride Festival - Schilthorn Mürren and Kick the Vik eco freeride competition Maighelshütte, Gotthard region

by Tobias Kurzeder 03/04/2013
Viktor Kick the Vik is going for the double: Kick the Vik Freeride Festival (9.-17.3.) - Schilthorn Mürren and Kick the Vik eco freeride competition - Maighelshütte, Gotthard region (22.-24.3.).

Viktor Kick the Vik is going for the double whammy: Kick the Vik Freeride Festival (9.-17.3.) - Schilthorn Mürren and Kick the Vik eco freeride contest - Maighelshütte, Gotthard region (22.-24.3.).

Back to the roots! The Kick the Vik eco freeride contest

22-24.3.2013 | Maighelshütte, Oberalp Pass, Gotthard region

The Kick the Vik eco freeride contest is the alpine-wide pioneer of ecologically correct freeride competitions. In addition, the Kick the Vik freeride competition is a milestone in terms of creativity and professionalism. A limited number of freeriders - skiers, snowboarders, telemark skiers, men and women - will once again rock the fantastic freeride terrain near the Oberalp Pass at the end of March 2013. The motto of the KTV 2013 is "Back to the Roots" and so the competitors will judge themselves and choose the winners during the evening video sessions, during which the filmed runs of the participants will be evaluated.

Pictures from Kick the Vik 2012

In addition to ecological compatibility, the focus is on the fun of freeriding together - nevertheless, valuable prizes await the winners and runners-up, but above all lots of unique experiences with like-minded people. About Kick the Vik and its creators: Viktor Kick The Vik has been a freerider from the very beginning and launched the eco freeride contest 7 years ago. With his eco-inspired way of life, Viktor is committed to protecting the mountain world as best he can. He frowns upon motorized transport and ascents in the form of helicopters, snowmobiles and lifts. Instead, Viktor shoulders all his camera and ski equipment himself and takes on the two-hour hike from the Oberalp Pass to the Maighelshütte of the Swiss Alpine Club (SAC) so as not to disturb the tranquillity of the Maighel Valley.

This is also expected of the participants of the Kick the Vik eco freeride contest; and this is what makes the event so unique. For three days, a total of 60 freeskiers, snowboarders and telemarkers from the international field of participants spend a relaxed time together at the Maighelshütte, studying the surrounding mountains, checking out the perfect downhill line together and mostly just having a great time. An entertaining alternative program with photo workshops, risk management courses and much more is provided...

Kick the Vik goes big! Kick the Vik Freeride Festival Mürren / Schilthorn

The first Kick The Vik Freeride Festival will take place from March 9 to 17, 2013 in the Schilthorn-Mürren freeride area. A qualification contest for the final of the 2-star FWQ Freeride Contest Kick the Vik will also take place at the weekend. In addition, a varied supporting program with ski and equipment tests, freeride camp and parties awaits. Both Kick the Vik events are open to skiers, snowboarders and telemark skiers. The qualifying competitions will be held between March 9 and 13, 2013 on the ingenious freeride mountain Schilthorn. If you want to convince the judges of your freeride skills and qualify for the FWQ** contest the following weekend, you have to correctly complete a questionnaire on safety and wildlife rest areas and pass an avalanche transceiver search test in the specified time. Freeride training: Kick The Vik Freeride Camp Mürren March 13 - 15, 2013 Freeski veteran Sascha Schmid and freeriding mountain guides introduce freeride rookies to the world of freeriding. This is what's on the agenda at the KTV Freeride Camp:

  • Improving downhill and ascent skills

  • How to use crampons and ropes

  • Use of avalanche emergency equipment

  • Tips on equipment, line selection, skiing technique and risk-conscious behavior in the backcountry.

The plan is to offer several groups with different levels.

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