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Open-Faces final in Obergurgl/Hochgurgl

Sensational run by Fabi Lentsch at the Open Faces Tour final | Successful finish in very good conditions

by Jochen Mesle 04/03/2014
On the last weekend of March 2014, the Obergurgl/Hochgurgl ski resort was the venue for one of the most impressive and best organized freeride contests we have ever seen.

On the last weekend of March 2014, the Obergurgl/Hochgurgl ski resort was the setting for one of the most impressive and best organized freeride contests we have ever seen.

The goal of the Open Faces crew was to bring the already successful contest season (despite the lack of snow in the Northern Alps) to a worthy conclusion - a good plan, with very satisfying results.

Over 60 athletes from 13 nations had registered for this prestigious FWQ 4* event near the Hohe Mut cable car in Obergurgl. For some participants, there was a lot at stake: namely the final qualification for the Freeride World Tour 2014/15.

Initial situation

At the accreditation on Friday morning in the village, we realized that this would be no ordinary competition. Everything was perfectly organized and the riders were offered a lot. The first mandatory riders' meeting took place at 1 p.m. at the top of the mountain with the best view of the contest face and you quickly realized that you had to take a close look at it. At the latest when Chris Fuschelberger started as the forerunner, everyone realized how exposed the face was and how big some of the cliffs were. The contest face was by far the most challenging of the season.

On Friday evening, there was the start number draw, which is always an exciting story, as you have to adopt a certain tactic when choosing the downhill line depending on the height of the number. Afterwards, we took the Festkogel cable car up to a hut, where we enjoyed the riders' dinner in a very pleasant atmosphere.

After that, we fell into bed early as we wanted to be fit for the next day.

"Comp. is on"

The next morning we got out of bed just as early, had a quick breakfast and were off to the first lane. This meant there was still enough time up in the contest area to look at the selected lines one last time with great concentration and give them the finishing touches.

The start was scheduled for 10:30 - the hike to the starting area took about an hour.

Most of the participants were visibly tense about the upcoming competition. As the terrain was very steep, any falls here could have serious consequences. The first rider, Jordan Bricheux from France, started the contest and the spectator area was already packed.

Due to my (Jochen) very high starting number, I was still able to watch the first athletes and I realized once again that this competition would be a very exciting contest in an exposed, interesting face.

With a video wall, sound system and perfect moderation by the Open Faces crew, the numerous spectators were treated to a lot - thanks again to the brilliant organization.

Sensational run by Fabian Lentsch | The results...

For some riders, it was all about making it into next winter's Freeride World Tour and also the final points for the Austrian Freeride Masters title. Accordingly, they could look forward to a show of superlatives. But, to start with, what Fabian Lentsch from Völs showed was something we've never seen before at a contest!

Fabian Lentsch winner run 4* FWQ Obergurgl 2014 from Fabian Lentsch on Vimeo.

The spectators and riders who had already gathered in the public area witnessed what was subsequently dubbed "the best contest run of all time" by many. Fabi's fluid, creative line with huge cliffs made it look as if he spent more time in the air than on the ground and he deserved to win. So things are looking very good for the qualification for the upcoming FWT season. (Jordan Bricheux (FRA) and Ivan Malakhov (RUS) would both have to finish on the podium at the last qualifier in the USA to catch Fabi).

Frenchman Leo Slemett took second place with another super smooth run, including a big 360 and plenty of airtime. Leo is already qualified for the 2014/15 World Tour and was visibly happy about the successful end to the season and the Style King Award as a bonus.

A local also took third place: Raphael Webhofer chose a technical line combined with a handrag 360 in the exposed terrain.

Snowboard men

An Innsbruck native was also able to celebrate victory in the snowboarding category. Alexander Hoffmann ended a strong season with a bang: a creative, technically difficult line with some high jumps put him at the top of the podium. Congratulations!

German Johannes Schnitzer came second. He impressed the judges with a fast and creative line in the middle of the face. Dutch rider Irian van Helfteren came a confident third. He ventured into the steep, rocky right section of the face and was rewarded with a high score thanks to his creative and fluid line.

The favorite Flo Orley was somewhat weakened due to illness, but only just missed out on the podium and came fourth. However, he can still call himself Austrian Freeride Champion.

Women's skiing

First of all, we would like to congratulate Sabine Schipflinger from Innsbruck/Saalbach in the women's ski category. She also secured the title of Austrian Freeride Champion with a fourth place in Obergurgl! But it was someone else at the top in Obergurgl: Ashley Maxfield from the USA won over the judges with her line in the steep, left part of the face and her brilliant entry.

The remaining podium places went to the two Italians Silvia Moser and Arianna Tricomi, who finished just behind the winner.

Women's snowboard
Manuela Mandl won over the judges in the women's snowboarding category and showed a fluid line including good jumps. As a result, she is now also the overall winner of the Austrian Freeride Series ahead of Liz Kristoferitsch, who also finished on the podium in Obergurgl in third place. Finland's Liisa Korpela completed the podium with second place.


A face that was perfect for the final of the European Freeride World Qualifiers and a superbly organized event made the weekend in Obergurgl a huge success.

In addition, there were perfect snow conditions, despite the snow-poor Northern Alps winter, and perfect weather, so that the riders and spectators were able to experience a great day.

Jochen had to choose a safety line due to injury and finished tenth, Julian unfortunately lost a ski due to a hidden stone! Nevertheless, we are all the more motivated for next season and are looking forward to the second edition of the FWQ competition in Obergurgl/Hochgurgl.


Jochen Mesle and Julian Zenzmeier

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