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Flakes - a telemark ski film

by Olav Schmid 02/05/2010
An absolute Powderwhore classic! The powder whores have clearly remained true to their style. All lines are developed using climbing skins and manpower. Although there are a few aerial shots that were certainly not shot by birds, on the whole the guys stick to their motto "back to nature". Of course, the introduction of a hermit is not to be missed: Nic Devore and his teepee tent in the middle of nowhere: "But I?m not a hippie – I swear!" Yes, of course?

An absolute powderwhore classic! The powder whores have clearly remained true to their style. All lines are developed using climbing skins and manpower. Although there are a few aerial shots that were certainly not shot by birds, on the whole the guys stick to their motto "back to nature". Of course, the introduction of a hermit is not to be missed: Nic Devore and his teepee tent in the middle of nowhere: "But I?m not a hippie - I swear!" Yeah right, of course?

As the title suggests, the main character is Dick Powder. You can clearly see that the guys have a somewhat improved budget, as this season's itinerary includes Alaska, Argentina and many spots from the USA. In addition, the entire production has become noticeably more professional.

Those familiar with the old Powderwhore films will find many similarities. Both in terms of the riders and the camera work, editing and choice of music. But that's exactly what makes a true Powderwhore movie: a lot of emphasis is placed on conveying the flow of telemarking. This includes lots of landscape shots, ascent scenes and chilled sound.


An absolute "must have" on the video shelf, and not just for telemark skiers!

Film length: 64 minutes

Bonus: Additional film material worth seeing on The BigLePowSki, the Powderwhores and fine lines

Price: 25.90 euros

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