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Reasons | Poorboyz Productions

by Olav Schmid 11/08/2009
As a freeskier, what do you expect from a new product from filmmakers Poorboyz Production? If you take the previous films as a basis, it would probably be new-school jibbing from A to Z; including, of course, fat homiez who are trying to impress with their new style of clothing rather than actually doing sport. Not so this year's production "Reasons". In addition to well-known rail and kicker action at the highest level, the new film focuses on the sport itself – and, at least in the first half, on fat forest sessions in the deep champagne powder of North America.

What does a freeskier expect from a new product from filmmakers Poorboyz Production? If you take the previous films as a basis, it would probably be new-school jibbing from A to Z; including, of course, fat homiez who are trying to impress with their new style of clothing rather than actually doing sport. Not so this year's production "Reasons". In addition to well-known rail and kicker action at the highest level, the new film focuses on the sport itself - and, at least in the first half, on fat forest sessions in the deep champagne powder of North America.

Right at the beginning of the film, a 10-minute treeskiing chapter is shown with beautiful slow-motion shots. The whole thing is accompanied by unobtrusive guitar sounds. Yes, the freeskiers of the first hour, who have so far ruined their bones in the park, now discover the pleasant ease of powder skiing.

Of course, Poorboyz also features rail action at the highest international level. But even here, there are no style interludes and a commentary points out the essence of the sport: the fun of it and the sporting challenge and the pleasant feeling of it.

The show continues with some great BC kicker action in the Whistler backcountry and a segment from the X-Games. Of course, Jon Olsson's monster kicker is also chewed over, as are a few jumps in the Alps, as well as the world record in the quarterpipe high jump by Simon Dimont. Not particularly interesting for freeriders, of course, but at least Reasons conveys a certain seriousness here too. The commentators also refer to the pressure of having to win and the high risk of injury that the stars of the scene have to bear. The producers also surprise us with a variety of camera angles (follow cams, helicopters, camera arms and even shots taken by a paraglider), creating spectacular images.


Overall, Reasons is a thoroughly positive surprise. A new-school flick that can also be enjoyed by freeriders.

Only the lack of safety equipment for the pros leaves a bland aftertaste. They in particular should be aware of their role model function for the young target audience - whether you ride classic or fakie doesn't matter!

Duration: 70min

Bonus material: around 1h of miscellaneous material.

Price: 32.90 euros

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Show original (German)
