In the warm, wet climate of used ski boots and certainly snowboard boots, odour-causing bacteria feel as at home as lactic acid bacteria in a wheel of cheese. While there are odour-inhibiting textiles for outerwear that make the journey home reasonably odour-neutral, the well-used boots are stored in the boot at the maximum distance from the driver to prevent them from collapsing during the journey.
After I was often made aware of the dubious odour of my ski boots, it was time to take a look around the hygiene products market. I found out about SmellWell's colourful scented sachets through a few corners and tried them out on my running shoes first. And lo and behold - thanks to the colourful sachets, damp, used running shoes quickly became dry and relatively "fragrant" sports shoes that were ready for their next use. The little cushions from SmellWell are as simple as they are effective.